
Our Beginnings

Camp Oak Haven began as Gulf Coast Christian Youth Camp in 1962. It was founded by members of the churches of Christ as a non-profit organization serving those living in the Lower Colorado River Valley and the Gulf Coast area. The land was donated by the Gillespie family who lives adjacent to the campground. Over the years many gracious donors have made improvements possible so that organizations, churches, and families can continue to enjoy the beauty of our camp

A Time of Transition

In February of 2022 the former board of directors made up of Harold Syer, Richard Fletcher, and Joshua Dixon made a gracious decision to hand over the camp to Orr Family Ministries. Orr Family Ministries is a registered non-profit in the State of Texas that specializes in hosting church camps, retreats, and facilitating church growth. As of June 3, 2022 Orr Family Ministries became the proud owner of what was formerly known as Gulf Coast Christian Youth Camp. Through new marketing efforts, that will hopefully get more groups through our gates, we decided to rebrand the name of the camp as well as the non profit that owns the camp to Camp Oak Haven.

Where We Are Now

We are now embarking on a long journey to make a lot of necessary repairs to our new to us campground. We also have a four phase plan to replace most of the buildings on site and to expand the capacity of the campground to fit 250. We will do this by generous donations, willing workers, and mostly by the grace of God. We welcome groups who are willing to host service project weekends at a special lower daily rate. If you want to put in some sweat equity to our campground then give us a call and see what your group can help us do!

Camp and Retreat Links

The Leadership Camp A camp for 6th-12th grade

The Leadership Kids Camp A camp for 3rd-5th Grade

Camp Crossfire a K-12 camp

JAM Camp A beginner camp for 2nd-5th grade

Rise Retreat A retreat for girls 3rd grade and up

Seekers Retreat A retreat for high school graduates and up

Need to host your own retreat, camp or gathering? Give us a call at            979-240-9769 and we will get your event booked

Our Caretakers

Riley and Brynna Watkins

Since grade school Riley and Brynna have been attending church camp together. They have a love for the blessings and spiritual growth that church camp can provide for those who experience it. After working for many summers in youth ministry they are happy that God has placed them at Camp Oak Haven to care for such a special place where people can come and grow their faith.

Riley and Brynna are both Harding graduates, proud Texas natives, parents to Paisley and Davis, and have an awesome Labraweenie dog named Sadie. They enjoy spending time outdoors camping with their friends and family in all the glory of creation that God has bestowed upon us.

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Orr Family Ministries
Board of Directors

Loretta Orr- CEO

Jonathan Orr

Janae Fridelle

Cassie Husband

Riley Watkins

Ken Walling

Hayley Hudson

Logan Anderson

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